New Zealand Visa Applicants
The quickest and easiest way to book your appointment is by completing the
Booking Request Form
Once you have completed this please:
We will aim to call you back within 24 hours of receiving your details to discuss convenient appointment times.
If you do not wish to submit a booking request in advance of telephoning that is acceptable. However on calling please be prepared to talk to us for 15 to 20 minutes and have to hand the following information:
- The names, dates of birth, addresses and contact of numbers of all attendees.
- Your NZHR or NZER reference
- Your credit card details.
To your appointment you will need to bring:
- A valid passport (please note failure to bring this to your appointment may result in your medical examination being cancelled)
- Any documentation you have regarding existing or previous medical conditions
- Any prescription glasses or contact lenses you use
We process all medicals electronically. Therefore you do not need to bring any forms or photographs to your appointment.
Your appointment will generally take the following format:
Arrival and Registration
Photo and Xray (if required)
Nurse – height, weight, urine and blood tests as required
Doctor – Medical history and physical examination
Please note all applicants will be required to undress to their underwear for the medical examination. A gown and chaperone will be offered.
Please note a supervised urine sample will be required at some stage during the medical from all applicants of 5 years and older. Ladies should avoid booking appointments during their menstrual cycle as the urine sample may be contaminated. If this happens you will need to provide another specimen at a later date.
Male and female doctors are available. Please do let us know on booking should you have a preference.
If you have any particular concerns about your appointment please just let us know in advance.
Following your appointment
Please be assured that we will always do our utmost to ensure that medicals are completed as promptly as possible. However we cannot guarantee specific timeframes for processing medical documents as sometimes unforeseen circumstances can occur. This is especially pertinent for clients who require further third party medical opinion or additional tests.
It is not necessary for you to telephone the clinic for x-ray, urine or blood test results. We will contact you directly if there are any issues arising from your results. Your co-operation in this matter is very much appreciated.