A private outpatient medical facility serving the needs of patients in the Thames Valley area.
We can provide consultations, diagnostic tests and minor procedures in most specialities.
A private outpatient medical facility serving the needs of patients in the Thames Valley area.
We can provide consultations, diagnostic tests and minor procedures in most specialities.
A private outpatient medical facility serving the needs of patients in the Thames Valley area.
We can provide consultations, diagnostic tests and minor procedures in most specialities.
A private outpatient medical facility serving the needs of patients in the Thames Valley area.
We can provide consultations, diagnostic tests and minor procedures in most specialities.
A private outpatient medical facility serving the needs of patients in the Thames Valley area.
We can provide consultations, diagnostic tests and minor procedures in most specialities.
A private outpatient medical facility serving the needs of patients in the Thames Valley area.
We can provide consultations, diagnostic tests and minor procedures in most specialities.
A private outpatient medical facility serving the needs of patients in the Thames Valley area.
We can provide consultations, diagnostic tests and minor procedures in most specialities.

About Us

The Bridge Clinic can offer outpatient consultations in most specialities. Full radiology and pathology services are also available.

Audiological medicine is the speciality relating to disorders of hearing and balance. At The Bridge Clinic a full audiology service is available to investigate and identify problems such as dizziness and tinnitus and to aid the management of hearing impairment. For more information please visit: www.windsor-ent.co.uk/partners/all.html


The Bridge Clinic offers a range of diagnostic cardiology tests as well outpatient consultations, to investigate and diagnose heart problems. These tests may include ECG, Exercise Stress Test and 24 hour tape. Further information can be found by visiting https://completecardiology.co.uk/ 


Dermatology is the medical speciality concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. Consultations and certain outpatient procedures are available at The Bridge Clinic. For more information about the dermatology services offered at the clinic please follow this link: www.windsorskin.com or https://thepsychodermatologist.com/

Early Pregnancy Clinic

A Consultant led Early Pregnancy Clinic is available at The Bridge Clinic. Run by Mr Veluppillai Vathanan the service includes a consultation, ultrasound scan and HCG blood test as required. More information on the Early Pregnancy Clinic can be found by following this link.


Ear, Nose and Throat consultations are offered at The Bridge Clinic and minor outpatient treatments are also available in our dedicated ENT suite. For more information please visit www.windsor-ent.co.uk


Consultant Gastroenterologists investigate and diagnose problems and disorders of the digestive system. Blood tests and ultrasounds may often be recommended to aid diagnosis.


At The Bridge Clinic we have a number of Consultant Gynaecologists offering consultations and some minor outpatient gynaecological procedures such as smear tests and colposcopy.

Hand Therapy

A full hand therapy service is available throughout the week at the clinic. For further information please visit www.thehandtherapypractice.co.uk or telephone Meryl Glover (Therapist) on 07580 518971.


Hypnotherapy can be used to gain control over undesirable habits or help cope with anxiety, stress or pain. A consultant hypnotherapist is available weekly at the Bridge Clinic. For more information please contact 01628 633509 or visit www.maidenhead-hypnotherapy.co.uk

Immigration Medicals

Click here for further information on immigration medicals.


Neurological Consultants investigate and diagnose diseases related to the nervous system. At The Bridge Clinic outpatient consultations are available in this speciality.

Obstetric Scanning

Certain obstetric scans, including viability and dating scans, are available at the clinic. For more information please contact the Radiology Department on 01628 760911.


Consultant Ophthalmologists specialise in the diagnoses and treatment of eye diseases. Consultations are available throughout the week.

Oral Surgery

The clinic is visited on a weekly basis by Consultant Oral Surgeons who offer consultation and diagnosis of a wide range of oral surgery related problems such as wisdom teeth removal and biopsy/removal of lesions of tongue, lip and mouth.


Orthopaedic Consultants specialise in the treatment of bones and joints. A number of Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons consult from The Bridge Clinic throughout the week.


A physiotherapy service is available throughout the week. Please contact Burnham Physiotherapy for further information on 01628 664757 or visit their website at www.burnhamphysiotherapy.co.uk

Plastic Surgery

Consultation and certain minor operations are available at The Bridge Clinic. Procedures available include carpal tunnel decompression, excision of lesions and bat ear correction.


Podiatry clinics are offered at the clinic by SW Podiatry. For more information about the services they provide please visit their website: www.swpodiatry.co.uk


Consultant Psychiatrists study the mind and deal with the diagnoses, management and prevention of mental disorders. Psychiatric and psychotherapy consultations are available at The Bridge Clinic.


A full range of radiological services are provided by Consultant Radiologists visiting throughout the week. For further information please contact the Radiology Department on 01628 760911.


Rheumatology is the medical speciality concerned with the diagnosis and management of disease involving joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments and associated structures. Consultant Rheumatologists consult from The Bridge Clinic.

Varicose Veins

We can provide a comprehensive service to patients with varicose veins, thread veins and facial veins.Modern treatments are offered which avoids hospital admission and can be completed on an outpatient basis. Detailed information about these service can be found at www.thamesvalleyveins.co.uk, or https://www.chilternveinsclinic.co.uk/


Consultants Urologists are available for consultation throughout the week at The Bridge Clinic. Urology is the investigation and treatment of diseases related to the urinary tract.